Teeth Cleaning

If only conventional brushing could solve all your dental problems.

Unfortunately it is not the case which is why it is highly recommended that you get a professional checkup and teeth cleaning done at least once or even better twice a year. it helps maintain the optimal hygiene levels and health of your teeth and gums. Consider it like a spa treatment for your teeth it rejuvenates your smile and improves the quality of your teeth.

Oftentimes with the high intake of caffeine/tea, processed foods and lack of fibre in the diet it becomes difficult for the teeth to clean teeth efficiently which is why cleaning which is professionally called as scaling is important to remove the debris which turns into plaque which then turns to calculus is deposited at the gum line between the teeth and it rates the phone and the gum health around the area with the help of professional cleaning we are able to remove the Stephanie and gradually restored the health of the gum tissue.